Nyheter | 2022 september 01

Music and muffins when IES Järfälla celebrated 20 years

IES Järfälla opened all the way back in 2002, which means it was high time for a well-deserved 20th-anniversary celebration in August.


Students, guardians, staff, and former staff were invited to the joyful 20 years anniversary celebration in the school on Friday 19th. Parents and the PTA baked treats, sold snacks, and arranged prizes. Activities went on all day, including tipsrunda, lotteries, making time capsules and a show in the auditorium in which some of IES Järfälla's up-and-coming talent performed.
– It was a great - and sunny - celebration, said principal Carolyn Keay. I think students, parents and staff really enjoyed being together and marking this occasion. We’re looking forward to the next 20 years!