Internationella Engelska Skolan


Internationella Engelska Skolan Jönköping erbjuder en trygg och ordnad miljö där lärare kan undervisa och och elever lära. Skolan är tvåspråkig och undervisar elever från årskurs F-9.

Ansök Digital rundtur

Nyheter | 2022 september 19

Health Week 2022

Health week is a time for us to promote the physical and mental health of our students. Eating a well balanced and nutritious diet, getting adequate rest, being physically active, finding time to reduce stress and relax, and building positive relationships with others are all important factors in physical and mental well being. As such, we as a school intend on facilitating growth and learning in these areas for our students by providing fun and enriching activities for them to participate in throughout the week.   


During week 38 IESJ is focusing its efforts on Health Week, this in preparation for our local municipality's Health Week which will be conducted during Week 39. 

Health week is a time for us to promote the physical and mental health of our students. Eating a well balanced and nutritious diet, getting adequate rest, being physically active, finding time to reduce stress and relax, and building positive relationships with others are all important factors in physical and mental well being. As such, we as a school intend on facilitating growth and learning in these areas for our students by providing fun and enriching activities for them to participate in throughout the week.   

Our Primary school students will be participating in a national program titled Traffic Calendar: Cycle and Walk to School Challenge. They will compete against other schools to win cash prizes where each student earns one point for travelling to school in an active way and one point for returning home in an active way, for a maximum of two points per student per day during  weeks 38 and 39. Our Primary school students will also participate in our annual IESJ Fun Run on Monday of week 38. Our F-1 students will do this on Monday morning at school, and our Year 2-3 students will do this on Monday afternoon at Rosenlund’s football pitch. All of our Primary school students will be served a piece of fruit on both Tuesday and Thursday mornings this week. 

Our Junior school students will also participate in our annual IESJ Fun Run on Monday afternoon at Rosenlund’s football pitch. In addition, they will engage in active breaks during all lessons throughout the week by taking short breaks to energise their bodies and minds by participating in stretching or breathing exercises, and will be served a piece of fruit on both Monday and Thursday mornings during their regular Mentor Times. A special activity running for Health Week in our Junior School is their Health week challenge. Students will check off as many of the following activities as possible everyday in order to earn points for their respective houses: eat breakfast, eat at least two pieces of fruit, eat a dinner where half the plate consists of vegetables, cycle or walk to school or take a 20 minute walk, participate in an activity with a sports club, complete at least 60 minutes of a pulse raising activity, get at least 9 hours of sleep, take a brain break that is at least 20 minutes long and does not involve a screen, spend at least 20 minutes of quality time with family, and finally, physically meet a friend during your free time. Participation in the Junior School Health Week Challenge is voluntary and shall be done during the students free time. A parent signature is required in order for the points earned to be applied to the class and house point totals. To keep momentum up during school hours the following engagements have been arranged; on Monday a local Arm Wrestling Club will be outside engaging with our students during break times, on Tuesday the HFF Football club will be here, on Wednesday the IF Hallby Handball Club will be here, and on Thursday Wetterbygdan Basketball Club will be on site to interact with our students. On Thursday, students will also be provided the opportunity to play bandy ball and to dance during their outside breaks. Finally, we will round off the week on Friday with our principal Mr. Simon Varley leading all of our Junior school students, in a game of Simon Says one year group at a time. 

Our Senior school students will also engage in active breaks during all lessons throughout the week by taking short breaks to energise their bodies and minds by participating in stretching or breathing exercises, and will be served a piece of fruit on both Monday and Thursday mornings during their regular Mentor Times. They will also participate on a voluntary basis in our Senior School Activity Bingo competition. The following activity stations will be open outdoors during their lunch breaks: Scouting, Gymnastics, Hula Hooping, Planking, Balance Boarding, Jumping Rope, and Basketball. In addition, students may check off a box by wearing a sports club uniform or attire to school. Students check off bingo boxes by participating in the above named activities and are competing as a class to win a trip to Yoump. The class with the most collective bingo points wins. Teachers conducting the break time activities sign the student’s bingo cards when an activity is completed. All activity cards are to be turned into reception by the end of the school day on Friday for their points to count. As in Junior School, on Monday a local Arm Wrestling Club will be outside engaging with our students during break times, and on Thursday Wetterbygdan Basketball Club will be on site to interact with our students.

As previously mentioned Jonkoping's Municipality will be conducting their health week during week 39. Please check their website for more information on specific events being arranged. They intend on providing activities and experiences for both the body and soul, through seminars, cultural events, a variety of different free activities to try, quiz walks, and physical activities. Regardless of a person's area of interest the Municipality will offer something appropriate for everyone to participate in. All Health Week activities are open to the public. Get ready to be inspired to live a healthier, more holistic life.