Nyheter | 2023 juni 09

Students envision a sustainable future for aviation

Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping is proud to announce a project collaboration with SAAB. The students in years 7 and 9 have worked with representatives from SAAB on projects relating to connectivity and sustainable travel.


The project began in the fall term, with students in year 7 envisioning how people could travel in a more sustainable way in the future. During the spring term representatives from SAAB visited the school on several occasions to give presentations about sustainability-related topics and to discuss the projects with the year 9 students.

"We have seen a lot of out-of-the-box visions on how the industry can approach the challenge of making travelling sustainable in the future.”

”I feel it’s important to get the next generation interested in technology at an early age, and sustainability is a topic that many students are passionate about,” says Martin Helmfrid, the person behind the initiative from Saab. “This is a way to increase interest in the aviation industry, and also the interest in studying science or technology in high school. It benefits the industry’s long-term supply of skills, increases regional cooperation and creates an awareness regarding sustainability. With the dedicated teaching team and the engaged students we have seen a lot of out-of-the-box visions on how the industry can approach the challenge of making travelling sustainable in the future.”

The collaboration culminated on May 29th with an exhibition of the projects at SAAB's offices in Linköping. Several year 9 students also had the opportunity to present their visions of a sustainable future for aviation to an audience at the defence company.

A year 9 student summarised the participation in the project as: “... once in a lifetime experience, especially for just being in year 9. The project was fun to do and gave us the opportunity to create and develop something new from a sustainable and circular economy perspective in the aviation industry. It also allowed us to have the opportunity to work more independently with almost no limit of creativity in mind. This project has given, at least for me, a new insight of how people and the aviation industry could be more sustainable and what we can do to achieve it. Thank you to all the science teachers and SAAB staff for giving us this opportunity to do this project!”