Internationella Engelska Skolan Järfälla is a year 5-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
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News | 20 March 2025
On March 18th, Year 9 students Loke Hedman and Sonja Östling represented IES Järfälla at the regional finals of the International Language Competit...
News | 12 February 2025
Would you like to know more about our school? Now is your chance! Welcome to our Open house at IES Järfälla, on March 8th, from 9:30-11:30!
From the principal | 03 February 2025
At IES Järfälla we have high expectations of our students, both for their academic achievements and their social interaction with others. To do les...
On March 18th, Year 9 students Loke Hedman and Sonja...
Would you like to know more about our school? Now is...
At IES Järfälla we have high expectations of our stud...
Today Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) presents...
Dear Guardians, HT 24 is winding down, Wednesday 18t...
We are writing to guardians to let them know about im...
The admission process in year 5 and 6 for next academ...
Year 8 worked with stop motion animation. With modeli...
During aesthetics day, year 9 went to the Banksy Exhi...
The admission process for next academic school year 2...
Admission process for next academic school year start...
Fantasy author Joseph A. Davis visited our school dur...
Dear Guardians, The 23/24 academic year is underway!...
Thank you to all students and guardians for the 22/23...
The admissions process for next academic year is done...
Sports day delivered a super nice and sunny day where...
Language competition
Congratulations to our students who passed the DELF e...
International women's day
Welcome to our library
The fourth mailing with offer of place, last day for...
Dear Guardians, And suddenly it’s 2023, and the sprin...
Last day for answering the first admission offer was...
The first snow has fallen and autumn has come to an a...
Admission process 2023/2024
October: Email to register sibling priority is sent t...
We celebrated IESJärfälla’s 20th Anniversary last Fri...
Welcome back from the principal, with information abo...
IES Järfälla 20 year
News letter
Information about admission process for next academic...
Admission and information IES Järfälla
Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy Holiday!
November Newsletter
September/ October Newsletter