
Internationella Engelska Skolan Järfälla is a year 5-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 23 December 2021

Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy Holiday!


Dear Guardians,

And so we come to the end of 2021! The term didn’t end in the way we had hoped, but we did make it through the term without too much interference from Covid-19. Lessons continued to the same high standard, mentors have been incredibly engaged and supportive, as have Student Care and the Special Education Department. IGCSE exams were written in English and maths, as well as in French via the DELF program, and some of our 9th graders took part in the Science Olympiad.

The school has been a hive of activity - Master Chef continued as always, as did Höstlunken, students went on prao, sports and music clubs have been well-attended, Junior Club has been on outings, creative artwork has gone up on the walls, posters were designed for the Anti-Bullying competition. We celebrated Childrens’ book week, cinnamon bun day and our Fun Fridays have been well-supported. Thank you for your support! Year 7 had a Christmas tree decorating competition and are currently selling cookies and candy to finance their trip to Åland in May. And at the end of tem, Year 5 treated us to a mobile (Covid safe) Lucia Concert as they walked around singing seasonal songs on Dec 13th and we ended the term with a digital version of House Day Competitions! It is all happening!

We were even able to have some outside visitors this term: Year 5 had a visit from fältarbetarna to do DUVA and from the author Joseph Davis, Year 6 had a visit from Järfälla Kommun on “De spännande tonåren”, Years 8 and 9 met John Tessitore who talked about mental health.

Thank you for the cooperation and communication we have had during this last term. We are all finding new digital ways to get things done, though we do miss seeing parents in the building, and hope that 2022 will bring with it health and opportunities for more contact. As always, mail us, if you wish to get hold of us, and we will call you.

The spring term VT 22 is due to start on January 11th. There are currently no plans to change this. Should the situation change by then, we will contact you via SchoolSoft, as always.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season to all!
/ The Staff and Management of IES Järfälla