News | 24 August 2022
Welcome Back! The new year has started.
Welcome back from the principal, with information about parents' evening, new staff, leaving staff and thanks for all help in celebrating our 20th anniversary.
Dear Guardians,
Thank you to all guardians for helping us celebrate IESJ’s 20th Anniversary last Friday. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many of you - some old familiar faces and many new ones. Thank you to the parents who baked, sold, donated, and to those who came, bought, supported, tried their luck at the lotteries and applauded our brave performers. It may well have been the hottest and sweatiest celebration we have ever been part of in this school, or any school, but perhaps that will help us remember it all the more.
A special thank you to the PTA members who organised, set up and helped us clean away afterwards. We could not have done it without you. It was wonderful to see students, parents and staff all coming together showing us what our motto "Stronger Together" is all about.
After three days of mentor class activities and celebration, real learning now begins. Lessons start according to schedule on Monday 22nd. PE lessons will take place outdoors until the weather prevents this.
For Year 9 students, the long awaited trip to Åland is finally taking place from Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th. Best wishes to staff, parents and students for a great 3 days together.
A new year brings with it new staff and we would like to welcome:
Mr Landegren - Swedish and SO in Year 5
Mr Bibby - Science Year 6
Ms Kipourou - Swedish in Year 8
Ms Pascual - Spanish in Years 6 - 9
And we say goodbye and best wishes to Ms Bull. Ms Bull has been in our school for over 5 years and has been in management for the last year. She has been recruited by IES Headquarters to work closely with the Head of Academics and Learning to support the schools in the company that have Förskoleklass to Year 3. Ms Bull will be missed not only as an outstanding pedagog, but also as a very supportive and involved mentor and colleague. Join me in wishing her everything of the best in her new position.
Parents Evening is on 7th September, kl 18:00 and will take place in school this term. Guardians in Year 5 and the new Year 6 will receive SchoolSoft log ins and introduction that evening. Year 5, 6 begin in the Aula, Year 7, 8 begin in their mentor rooms, Year 9 gather in the lunchroom.
Our revised curriculum, LGr22, comes into effect now. You will receive some more information on parents evening, about what the changes are and how progress will be communicated. We would like to emphasise that the students’ focus should be school work and learning, not LGR 22. We will deal with that!
We look forward to a year of learning for ourselves and our students, and to continued cooperation with guardians.
Welcome, new guardians! Welcome back, old guardians!
Carolyn Keay - Principal
Johanna Bohlin - Assistant Principal
Kristoffer Johansson - Academic Manager