Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundsvall is a 3-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
Join Our School Digital tourThe school counselors work mainly preventively with the goal of promoting the students' opportunity to achieve their self goals. At the school, the counselors work at individual, group, and organizational levels.
This is done, among other things, by:
• support conversations with students
• teaching about social issues like mental and sexual health
• consultation and guidance to school staff and parents
• work together with other student care team
• cooperation with other agents such as the social services and BUP
School counselor Jessica Diamant can be reached at or 073-6252927
School curator Marcus Hofberg can be reached via or 072-9752331
The school nurses together with the School Doctor form the medical part of student health. The school nurses work mainly with health promotion and prevention, among other things through health talks, vaccinations, and health checks. The school nurses also participate in the school's work environment and support other school staff in matters concerning the students' well-being and health. The health promotion work takes place at both individual and group levels. The school nurses work closely with other professional groups in student health, and the goal is to work together in the team to create conditions for the students to have or maintain good health, which increases the opportunities for the students to achieve the goals of the education.
Distribution of year nurses by school nurses:
Natalie Safrani can be reached via or 070-855 84 46. Works Monday-Friday
Malin Hessler can be reached via or 072-983 86 95. Works Monday-Friday.
Kristin Hägglund can be reached via or 070-975 23 32. Works Monday-Friday.
Student health staff work with each other and with other school staff if necessary, and patient confidentiality is observed. Patient confidentiality is regulated by school law (Skollagen) and the Patient Safety Act (Patientsäkerhetslagen).