Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundsvall is a 3-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
Join Our School Digital tourOpening times: after their last lesson until 16.30 every day
Junior Club students are welcome to Fritids during the morning 6.30-8.00 and after 16.30.
For our students in grades 5- 6, we offer an after-school Junior Club. Junior Club provides a wide range of activities and excursions to engage students while providing the opportunity to socialize and make friends with students from other classes.
Junior Club is an extension of our Fritids program where the physical space and activities are designed exclusively for students in years 5-6. As with our year 3-4 students, our goal is to keep students in year 5-6 coming to the Junior Club to encourage the development of skills and abilities. We offer programs
Breakfast is served every day from 7.30-8.00 and mellis is served every afternoon from 14.00 until 16.00. Students with full-time Fritids can eat both breakfast and mellis. Students with part-time Fritids can eat either breakfast or mellis.
Students at Fritids and Junior Club also have the opportunity to do their homework with support from a teacher. We offer homework support every morning and afternoon.