Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundsvall is a 3-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
Join Our School Digital tourErasmus+ Project 2023-2024
The project provided our staff with the opportunity to participate in various mobility activities and training courses across different locations in Europe. The primary objectives of this project were, as in the previous initiative, to 1) remain at the forefront of educational innovation and 2) promote a shared European identity among our students and staff.
Continuous professional development for teachers plays a crucial role in addressing the diverse needs of students. Each learner brings unique cognitive, emotional, social, and motivational factors that must be considered in a heterogeneous classroom. Professional development opportunities enable educators to acquire innovative teaching methods tailored to this diversity. Furthermore, regular training enhances their understanding of individual learning processes and challenges, allowing teachers to respond more effectively to their students' needs. Engaging continually with new pedagogical approaches not only strengthens teachers’ expertise but also helps create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.
Nine of our staff members participated in week-long courses on topics such as: Creative Strategies for Language Teachers, Design the Positive, Understanding and Enjoying Art in the Classroom and Beyond, Including Sustainability Education in Everyday Classroom with PBL, Integrating AI in the Classroom with Critical Thinking, Building better mental health and well-beeing, Experiential Learning in Tenerife: Through Nature and History or Deep Democracy: How to Manage Conflicts Building a Strong Classroom Culture to enhance their pedagogical skills.
Another member of staff from our school was given the opportunity to take part in job shadowing in Spain as part of this project. The main focus here was on the exchange with Spanish teachers and understanding the school system in Spain.
Through these mobility activities and training sessions, teachers gained valuable insights into effective teaching methods and strategies. They collected useful resources for their classrooms and shared them with their colleagues. Additionally, they collaborated and exchanged experiences with educators from various European countries, deepening their understanding of the similarities and differences within Europe’s educational systems. Participation in cultural activities relevant to each course location further enriched their learning experiences.
Upon their return, all participants organized workshops to disseminate their knowledge and experiences. These workshops were structured in a hub format, allowing all staff members to choose topics of interest. This expanded the project's impact and made the acquired knowledge accessible to our 125 staff members. Moreover, these discussions opened new dialogues with students and parents, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the entire school community.
Overall, all participants had very positive experiences, and our school community significantly benefited from the exchange of knowledge and insights. There is a strong interest in Erasmus projects among our staff, and we look forward to harnessing this enthusiasm in a new project this year.
To check out project related photos, presentation, reflections, or cultural activities click here.
"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Erasmus Project 2021-2023: Professional development
Participant reflection on Erasmus mobility experiences.
Erasmus Project 2021-2023
This project involved our staff participating in mobility activities and professional development courses at various locations across Europe. The project had two main goals: 1) To stay at the forefront of pedagogical innovation, and 2) To cultivate a shared European identity among our students and staff.
In any classroom, each student has unique cognitive, emotional, social, and motivational needs influenced by their development stage and cultural context. Educators face the challenge of addressing these diverse needs, making informed decisions that are coherent for the group while being relevant to each individual. Thus, continuous teacher development is crucial.
In this project, our staff had the opportunity to enhance their teaching skills by participating in week-long courses covering topics such as outdoor education, technology in the classroom, differentiation and inclusion, reading & storytelling, conflict management & emotional intelligence, gamification, classroom management, leadership & enhancing motivation, and more.
During the project, teachers gained insights into effective teaching methodologies and strategies. They also acquired valuable resources for their classrooms and shared them with colleagues. Furthermore, they collaborated and exchanged experiences with teachers from different parts of Europe. This fostered a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences in educational dynamics across Europe. Engaging in cultural activities relevant to each course location enriched their learning experiences.
Upon their return, each participant conducted a workshop to share their knowledge and experiences. The workshops were structured in a Hub format, allowing all staff members to choose topics of interest. This expanded the project's scope and impact, making the gained knowledge accessible to our staff of 125. Additionally, these discussions facilitated further conversations with students and parents, creating a positive chain effect throughout the school community.
Overall, all participants had highly positive experiences, and our school community greatly benefited from the shared knowledge and experiences. The interest in Erasmus projects has grown significantly, and we eagerly anticipate leveraging this popularity in future endeavours.
To check out project related photos, presentation, reflections, or cultural activities click here.
"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."
Erasmus Project 2020-2022: The Environment and Me
Erasmus Project 2020-2022
This project tackles two of the biggest questions in the lives of young people in Europe today: “How do I and we relate to the environment”, and “What does it mean to be a teenager in Europe?”. This project gave students the opportunity to gain first hand experience about the ideas of what it means to be a teenager in Europe during our exchange mobility experiences.
This project enabled students to gain tremendous cultural insights into how each culture deals with environmental issues. They developed relationships and important knowledge through these exchanging experiences. The dynamics enabled for the emergence of commonality between three (Sweden, Spain, France) different countries.They developed long term friendships as a consequence. They are still in touch and routinely check in with each other. Therefore, the participants positively influenced each other and formed a collective sense of what it means to be a teenager in Europe today.
The students also gained embodied knowledge through the various activities conducted throughout the exchanges. Hosting schools were able to get a lot of other students, teachers, and parents involved, thus, extending the reach of the project. In total there were three mobilities both including students and teachers. During these three exchange trips we had the opportunity to work with three different sustainability projects that each country planned in detail. The students worked in groups and got to experience and engage within the broader schooling community in each country. In addition to sharing with their classmates, they were able to engage the community.
All in all, we did succeed in reaching our goals as the students did work on the different topics regarding the environment including sustainability, technology, communication, cutting edge research, and need for global cooperation. As a consequence, each participant gained an understanding of how they can personally relate and connect to environmental and social issues. This project allowed for the exposure to diverse perspectives, seeing that mobility and cooperation in Europe is possible, deep connections with people, and understanding that we all have a role to play in environmental sustainability. Through this solid foundation, we hope that students are empowered to continue to take action and inform positive changes in the future.
To check out project related photos, presentation, reflections, or cultural activities click here.
"The Environment and me" & "being a teenager"
"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."