
Internationella Engelska Skolan Skärholmen is an international school with a safe and calm environment where teachers can teach and students learn.


Student Care Team (SCT)

The student care team works to promote students' learning, development and health as well as to prevent illness

The team has both a preventative and a responsive role which includes elements of medicine, psychology, psychosocial and special education.

The student care team consists of special educators, nurses, counselors, student assistants and others.

The Student Care Team collaborates with subject teachers and mentors in student health
matters in order to create the best possible environment for students and identify any problem
before it becomes too big. They work for students and are engaged in implementing the school's
policy regarding student health while in contact with the authorities, parents and the rest of

Confidentiality -”tystnadsplikt”

Student care team work with each other and with other school staff if necessary, and patient confidentiality is observed. Patient confidentiality is regulated by school law (Skollagen) and the Patient Safety Act (Patientsäkerhetslagen).

Here you can contact the SCT directly

Student Care Team


Mr. Mullarkey

Student Care Coordinator


Ms. Samson

Special Education Teacher, Head of House Everest

Ms. Wennerberg

Special Education Teacher

Ms. von Rosen

Special Education Teacher

Ms. A. Larsson

Senior School Counsellor

Ms. Ayeb

Junior School Counsellor

Ms. Letelier

Senior School Nurse

Ms. Pearly

Junior School Nurse

Ms. Haouari

Student Assistant

Ms. Yap

Librarian, Head of Year 4