
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 11 January 2022

Welcome Back

Mr Gavin, Principal of IES Kista, welcomes everyone back for the Spring Term 2022


Firstly, please allow me to wish you all a happy new year. Hopefully, the break has been relaxing and all our students return to school with lots of energy to deal with the challenges of a new academic term. As I reminded you in December, school starts again for students on Wednesday 12th January, where students will follow their regular schedule. We look forward to welcoming them back then!

More generally, I understand that there are continuing worries about the situation around COVID, and want to reassure that we will continue to follow all recommendations from the authorities regarding safety and good hygiene in the school environment. However, we also really appreciate your support in stressing to your children the importance of following guidelines and advice when in school.

Can I also take this opportunity to remind you that if you have travelled back from outside of Sweden please make sure that you have followed all recommendations regarding quarantine and testing before your children come back to school. These vary, so please check with the appropriate authorities and sources of information to see what they are if you are unsure.

Of critical importance; please remember, if your child is not feeling well, and has any symptoms of COVID, or any other winter sicknesses, please keep them off school until they are symptom free. This will help reduce any spread in school, and within the wider community. Likewise, if people at home have tested positive, please follow guidance regarding when it is safe for your children to return to school.

The latest health guidance regarding this is available from the Folkhälsomyndigheten website. We will also post an update and reminder on SchoolSoft about procedures and guidelines over the coming days.

Looking forward, it is important to remember that school forms an integral part of our children’s academic and social development. At challenging times, as adults, we all respond differently to the issues that we face. However, often, our fears and worries are projected onto our children and we must all work together to ensure that school remains as safe as possible, both physically, but also emotionally and mentally. When in school, as well as seeing the students working hard with their academic work, it is fantastic to see them playing, socialising and doing the things that young people do. It is vital that we continue to provide the space for them to do this when so many of the other opportunities that are available to them to do this have, or will be limited over the coming months.

Best regards and thank you for your ongoing help and support,

Mr. Gavin