
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 28 November 2023

Term Awards

This marks the end of the first half of our first term


As the colour pallet changes from bright vibrant green to yellow, orange and red we welcome the Autumn season with its crisp air and dew-covered mornings. 

This marks the end of the first half of our first term and wow, what a busy and productive time it has been. To acknowledge the hard work and achievements of our wonderful students, Subject Awards were handed out in each grade for each subject. 

In addition to this the schools leadership gave out two awards for those students who displayed extra characteristics deserving of further acknowledgment. 

Besides the Subject awards it was The Rising Star award and The Principal’s House Point. These two awards are for students who have made big progress and for ones that are role models for other students.

There will be an opportunity for more students to receive an award at the end of each term. With hard work and clear focus it is not impossible to achieve your goals. Well done to all the students who have done their personal best this term.