
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 06 May 2024

Schoolyard with space for play and adventure for our youngest children

At the moment it's just a big space outside the school, but it's bubbling with possibilities just underneath the surface! The planning of the schoolyard for the preschool class children is well underway and we can promise there will be lots of play and adventures in the autumn term.


The schoolyard dedicated to our preschool class children will include a pirate ship, swing, trampoline and obstacle course, amongst other things. All the equipment will be certified with the eco-label Svanen. The other outside play areas for our older children will also be updated with new equipment!

When a new playground is to be built, many factors must come together for a successful result. The most important thing, of course, is that the children experience the playground as an attractive and pleasant meeting place with friends. It should be accessible to children both with and without disabilities, with high safety so that children can play safely. It must harmonize with the surroundings and be aesthetically pleasing, with environmentally friendly materials.

The schoolyard will be developed during spring/summer and we look forward to enjoying it for the first time with you in August!

Below are some other examples from the playground supplier Söve.