
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 19 March 2024

IES Kista will welcome preschool class children from August 2024

Starting from next academic year, in August 2024, Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista will welcome children from preschool class (förskoleklass). Today the school teaches students in grades 4-9 but it will now start growing into an F-9 school, with capacity for a total of almost 900 students.


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IES Kista first opened in 2015 as a 4-9 school. From next academic year, a new chapter in the school's history will be written. As well as throwing open the doors to younger students in grades F-3, a new fritidshem will be opened for all students. The school will teach three classes of 28 students in F class. The coming years the school will expand with new classes in the years 1-3 and will have become an F-9 school by 2027.

Jörgen Smederöd, principal of IES Kista, said: “We look forward to being able to offer families in the north of Stockholm and the surrounding area an opportunity to attend a school with our international profile from the preschool class.”

Students who attend the school from preschool class will benefit from the IES culture at the start of their school career. It is not only about early development of English-language skills and meeting teachers and students from other parts of the world, but also about a school culture with high academic goals, where every student should feel challenged, and no student left behind.

Mr Smederöd explained: “At IES, what happens in and outside the classroom is equally important. We strive for a calm and safe school environment, where students feel happy and can focus on their studies. That is why we have clear frameworks and routines and also a well-developed student care team for the students' physical and mental well-being.”

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