Internationella Engelska Skolan Älvsjö is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
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Quality Report | 13 January 2025
Today Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) presents the yearly IES Quality Report which describes our systematic quality work during the academic...
Open house | 03 January 2025
We welcome you to visit us at IES Älvsjö on the 20th of January from 17.00 to 18.30.
| 12 November 2024
We are writing to guardians to let them know about improvements to our queue.
Today Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) presents...
We welcome you to visit us at IES Älvsjö on the 20th...
We are writing to guardians to let them know about im...
Take a look at the inspirational and innovative work...
What's been happening at the library recently?
You can see some of the amazing work the students hav...
We are very excited to welcome you to our Open House!...
A chance to write an English Poem and win house points
Student Council, you asked, we delivered… Spirit days!
Positive reinforcement and acknowledging achievements
Our year 9 students really look forward to this off-s...
We would like to remind you that if you have a siblin...
Only for CURRENT STUDENTS: IES Älvsjö will be hosting...
Students are invited to participate in a Scary Story...
World Teachers' Day UNESCO today! Hello Team Älvsjö!
We will be opening the new 2nd floor school playgroun...
A warm welcome to new, and returning students!
On Thursday, 10 March, our Year 4 students had a visi...
We were excited to celebrate World Book Day on Friday...
The school took place in the Timestables Rockstars -...