
Internationella Engelska Skolan Växjö is a bilingual school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Welcome from Ben Owens, the principal

''I love education and seeing the opportunities and prospects it continually provides to the young people.''

Dear parents and students,

We are a brand new school in Växjö and the first IES school in the city. Therefore I feel proud and honoured to lead this new and exciting school that will provide children of local community and from communities afar with a quality first educational experience based on the IES founding principles of:

- Providing all student with a safe and calm learning environment where teachers can teach and students can learn

- Providing students with access to a bilingual education of Swedish and English, and an opportunity to master the English language

- Giving students the best chance in life by providing them with high academic aspirations and the quality of teaching that will allow them to achieve their true academic and social potential

The International English School organisation is celebrating our 30th year anniversary this year and it feels both auspicious and prestigious to be one of the schools to be founded during this celebratory period. We share our guiding principles with our 45 sister schools and like them are committed to serving the children in our care and helping to guide them in the exciting journey of life. 

Prior to taking on the role of Principal at IES Växjö, I have worked for several years as the Head of Mathematics and Academic Coordinator at IES Jönköping, and before this spent my formative career in the United Kingdom as a teacher, university lecturer, education consultant and assistant Principal. Suffice to say, I love education and seeing the opportunities and prospects it continually provides to the young people.

Our mission at IES Växjö extends beyond providing students with an excellent education, it ensures that they are equipped with the life skills of determination, self-discipline, respect, care and sensitivity; all traits that contribute to developing the whole person. We want the absolute best for our students and work tirelessly to ensure that their education, pastoral and social needs are catered for. We want you to feel assured that your children will be catered for by dedicated and caring professionals, all of whom have a wealth of skills and expertise in their relative areas whether it be teaching, student care or administration. 

We also believe in working cooperatively with parents to ensure that you are fully aware of our priorities and so that we can be as transparent and solution focused as possible. Your child's grundskola education is one that you have a right to know about and help shape. And the chance to work with parents to design the best possible chances for our children is one that excites and continually motivates us.

As a new school, we receive many questions and suggestions and we value them all. We especially value people wishing to visit us at our school to experience what we have already begun to create; a little bit of magic in the heart of Teleborg. This magic is not invisible - it resonates in the laughter and smiles of the children here, in the satisfaction of our teaching and non-teaching staff, in the wonderful successes our students make on a daily basis, and in the united goal of giving all of our children the absolute best chances. 

If you want to experience some of that magic, please get in touch - we would love to hear from you. 

Kind regards,

Ben Owens 
