
Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundsvall is a 3-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 14 November 2021

Our school has been delivering quality for the past 13 years. It doesn't matter how one measures quality in a school -our school has delivered!


Our school has been delivering quality for the past 13 years. It doesn't matter how one measures quality in a school -our school has delivered! If one looks at the latest School Inspection survey, IES survey, grades in our region or how our staff feel about our school, one can easily see that we are a school that dares to invest in our students. As election time approaches, this, however, is constantly threatened. Political parties promise to remove our school or lower our funding, even though we have more than 11 000 students in the queue only in Sundsvall. Our goal during the election period is straightforward. To get the message across that we matter and that we deliver. It's important to voice this as the debates increase. Quality is important. Having good schools is essential. We matter.