
Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundbyberg is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn.

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News | 08 March 2024

Newsletter from the Principal, March 2024

Principal's Monthly Newsletter.


Dear all,

Thank you for a positive welcome from many of you, both via email, phone and also here on site. It feels good to start the adventure here at IES Sundbyberg with all the nice students and ambitious teachers. Others in my management group (Management) consist of Mr Pourakbar, Assistant Principal of the Senior School who has also just started, Mrs Backman Assistant Principal of the Junior School and Academic Manager, Jonathan Hull.

In the last week, two teachers have returned to work and another will return next week. This means that the students get their teachers back and get professional teaching without substitutes. We have scheduled more staff in hallways to be present and build relationships with students.

New for this semester is that the teachers will now have grading conferences in March, one week before the development interviews. This is to make sure that the mentors have complete insight into their mentor student's schooling and can give you guardians the best possible information during the development interviews. Also, it provides important information to student health, the special teachers and us in the school management to review our work and support for the students. This is to get all students to reach their goals in the end. Remember to book your appointments for the development interviews that will take place at the school on March 27-28.

I attend all Student Council meetings and it is really nice to see that the representatives are active and have many different proposals. We make sure that as much as possible of their wishes are met, such as Valentine's Day activities, themed days in the dining hall, purchasing balls for breaks, soccer tournaments, museum visits, etc. The school must be an educational and interesting place for our students.

I hope to see you now on Wednesday when we have the Parent Café together with the Police, the social services and the Field Workers. The Parents' Association, PTA, is selling coffee for a fundraiser for Year 8. We will be in the dining hall from 5-7pm.

On Wednesday, April 24th, we also have an Open House that we call "Academic Showcase" between 4:30-6:30 p.m. where you as families have the opportunity to see what your children have achieved so far this semester. We have also invited students who will start next year and also those who are waiting in line for our school. Hope to meet as many of you as possible that evening.

Please follow us on our Instagram and Facebook page. Search for IES Sundbyberg and you will find us and thus see what is happening at the school.


Johanna Bohlin, Principal