News | 18 February 2025
Principal's blog
Principal's Spring blog
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At last it seems that spring is well underway! This month is a busy month at IES Solna, with our students in year 8 beginning their PRAO placements and our year 6 and 9 students starting their national tests. As you will be aware, Skolverket has cancelled the newly introduced digital national tests as there are still some problems with their systems. Although this was sudden news, we are preparing the replacement tests as guided by Skolverket to ensure the students can undertake the tests smoothly. Further, year 9 students are also preparing for their next part of their school journey as they prepare for Gymnasium. The plans for prom are also well underway!
On April 8th, the JCK Foundation will join us for some talks with year 7 students on mental health and we will also host a concert in the evening with IES Årsta to share music and talent and to raise money for the JCK Foundation. WAll are welcome to attend!
We have some calendar changes this term due to additional staff training that we are undertaking. This will mean that our school needs to close early on these dates. However, this is necessary training which supports our school development moving forward and supports the excellent training session delivered by the organisation Friends, which is related to our work with the plan mot kränkande behandling.
On Wednesday April 2nd, we have a training session related to gang criminality. This will also include a parent cafe from 17.00 - 18.45. The session will be delivered by Mr Elder from our Huvudman. Mr Elder is an expert in student care and is an excellent speaker. He will deliver the talk in English. Solna Police will also attend this session and will be there to answer more specific questions related to our locality.
On Wednesday 30th April, we will close the school at 12.00. This is to facilitate important training for all staff on our response to emergencies and our lockdown procedures. The training is designed for our school needs and will be delivered by an external company working specifically with Swedish schools.
Parent Teachers Association
As a reminder, the IES Solna Parents Teachers Association (PTA) is established and you can reach out to the board members by mail: and I encourage you to join their facebook group IES Solna PTA FB Group.
Calendar dates for 2024-25
The new school calendar is available on schoolsoft on Files and Links and you can access it through this link.
Please note additions to the calendar:
April 2: School closes 14.40 for staff training (Junior Club open)
Parent Cafe: 17.00 on Gang Criminality (In English) and onsite
April 8: JCK concert starting at 17.30 at IES Solna
April 30: School closes 12.00 for staff training (Junior Club closed, no mother tongue)
Dates for 2025 -2026
August 18: First day of the fall term (all students back at school)
October 27-31: läslov (fall break)
December 19: Last day of fall term
For further information, please contact us on and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as we can. You can also follow us on instagram and facebook.
Wishing you a happy and health Christmas break,
Best regards,
Ms. Gavin
Principal, IES Solna