
Internationella Engelska Skolan Södertälje is an bilingual Förskoleklass to Year 9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 13 August 2021

Back To School!

Welcome Back!
I hope all of you had a wonderful relaxing and healthy summer and you are ready for a new and exciting year at IES Södertälje!


Our school is growing! This year we will begin a whole new teaching phase and welcome two classes in Year 3, the first step towards fulfilling a personal ambition of mine to have a full F-9 school.

At IES Södertälje, we have very high academic ambitions and this year we will see the expansion of our drive for literacy across the whole school. Full creative fluency in Swedish and English will improve knowledge acquisition in all subjects, and give our students more opportunities when they graduate in Year 9.

This year, the leadership group at IES Södertälje is expanding. Ms. Kean will continue in her role as Assistant Principal in Year 6-9. Mr. Saville will assume the position of Assistant Principal for Year 3-5 and Ms Partsinevelou will be our new Academic Manager. 

This year, we also welcome two new buildings to our school! Year 3 will have their very own newly renovated building fully equipped to deliver high quality education and it is with great anticipation, we will have our gym hall ready in December. 

I have never felt more positive and ambitious at the start of the school year and now we just need the most important ingredient in our recipe - the return of the students!

Sam West