
Internationella Engelska Skolan Liljeholmen is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 12 January 2023

New school premises 2024/25

IES Liljeholmen is moving to new premises in Midsommarkransen


Proposed school building

It is with great excitement that I can finally announce that we have an approved building permit for our new school. (click link)

It has been common knowledge for some time that we will be moving to a new school building at some point in the near future, but up until now where and when this would take place has not been decided. We have had several proposed sites come and go over the years so we refrained from announcing the latest proposal until we knew it was a certainty.

This project has been in the planning phase for the last three years, so it is great to be able to finally share this project with you all. The attached document gives a brief outline of the schools location and when it will be completed. We are optimistic that we will be able to move in on August 2024, but realistically we are expecting to move into the building in August 2025. We will be able to set a more firm date for the move once the project is underway.

We will post updates on the project in the news section of the website as well as on schoolsoft.

Once we have the floor plans are finalised, we will hold a parent information meeting, so that you can all come and have a closer look at the proposed school and ask any questions you may have.