
In August 2024, IES Krokslätt is moving into an entirely new school building in the new city district Södra Änggården, in what is today referred to as Högsbo, Gothenburg. The school will change name from IES Krokslätt to IES Södra Änggården and start receiving students in grades F-7.

Visit IES Södra Änggården


Teaching and learning

Frequently asked questions about teaching and learning at IES

Our schools tend to have a similar make-up to the municipalities around them, but some students travel quite far from other municipalities to attend an IES school.

You can start at our schools with any level of English. Up to half of the education is conducted in English, and teachers have a great deal of experience in helping students learn to command the English language, using language immersion. 

Our students learn to command the English language quickly. In grade F-3 we introduce English gradually, giving students the tools to succeed in their lessons through the English language.

Families choose our schools knowing that some subjects are taught in English, and it is something which has attracted them.  

Students in our schools really enjoy speaking in English, and learning from teachers from a range of English-speaking countries. In this environment it is easy to succeed with the English language and see it as a useful tool, rather than an obstacle.

Young children have an amazing capacity for language learning. With guidance from outstanding educators, and parental support, we have found great success in helping students become bilingual since we first started teaching in English in 1993.

Our schools offer Spanish, French and in many cases German as language options. Modern languages are part of the normal schedule at Swedish schools and as such all children are expected to study a third language.

Our schools are bilingual and we believe in students learning to command both languages, so half of the lessons are taught in Swedish. While English is the key to the world, it is important that students also master the Swedish language, which is an important tool for anyone who wants to live, work and integrate into Swedish society.

Our national test results in Swedish are also above the national average, as they are in the other core subjects, showing that our students are able to command both languages.

We celebrate Swedish culture as well as the traditions of English-speaking countries - such as wearing caps and gowns during graduation.

When teachers come from an English speaking country, they do not necessarily speak Swedish immediately upon arrival. We have a policy where we offer all our international teachers support to learn Swedish already during their first year.

Information to the parents is given in both English and Swedish. If parents at development talks have a mentor who does not speak Swedish and the parent prefers to speak Swedish, just contact the school in advance and we will make sure that a Swedish speaker is present at the meeting.

Parents can let us know if they prefer to speak only Swedish during development talks.  If we are informed in advance we will make sure a Swedish-speaking member of staff is present to help translate.

All our teachers are well-qualified. We strive for all our teachers to have a Swedish teaching certificate "lärarlegitimation", or an equivalent foreign qualification.

Internationella Engelska Skolan has special permission from Skolinspektionen for each of our 43 schools to provide up to half of the teaching in the English language.  In chapter 2, 17 § of the Swedish school law, a permanent exception from Swedish teacher certification is granted for those teachers we employ to teach in English and who have a teaching degree from their home country. 

Up to half of the teaching in our schools is done in English, primarily by teachers from English-speaking countries. English is to be used as our conversational language in the corridors and classrooms. Our schools are characterized by an international atmosphere.  The mixture of teachers from many different countries contributes to this.  IES promotes full bilingualism – skills in Swedish are developed in parallel to English. 

Barbara Bergström founded Internationella Engelska Skolan in 1993, based on three pillars  that still characterize Internationella Engelska Skolan:

A safe and orderly school environment in which teachers can teach and students learn 

High academic expectations and ambitions 

Command of the English language

Swedish teachers are also subject to detailed scrutiny, primarily by the principal of a school to ensure that they do possess the required competence and share those beliefs that created Internationella Engelska Skolan.

In grade three the classes have a maximum of 28 students.

In grade four the classes have a maximum of 30 students.

In grades five and six the classes have a maximum of 32 students.

Each class has two mentors.

Yes, most definitely. Our experience clearly shows that students progress rapidly in an academically challenging and positive learning environment. Your child will be supported, encouraged and given every opportunity to stretch the limits of learning. 

At IES schools the average is to have ten students for each teacher or member of the support team.

The IES model differs from that used in many other schools. We have dedicated support staff, including student health and student care teams, who work alongside the teachers and support them in areas outside of their expertise. While this can mean that our class sizes are a little larger, it also means that we have a system in place with staff who are devoted to helping maintain a safe and calm environment in our corridors and classrooms. This support helps our teachers to focus on teaching and our students on learning.

IES closely monitors students' performance on the national tests, both as a key part of our quality work and to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need for the future. Any variance in grading from national test results - as well as deviations from the IES average and the municipal and national average respectively - are examined to ensure that the teachers grade correctly. Grades are analysed at local level and at principal level as part of our systematic quality work.
In the case of subjects where there are no national exams, such as technology, crafts, art, music and home economics, each school submits its preliminary grades one month before grading. The purpose is to find out how the grades are distributed and to identify any deviations. If deviations are found, the school concerned is contacted for to explain, analyse and provide its motivation.

IES Krokslätt follows the Swedish curriculum. Lgr 22.

No, this does not happen often. It is reassuring for parents and students to know that our school has been in existence since 1993 and has established and developed professional practices throughout this time. Students may take some time to adapt to a new learning environment, and may consider the transition challenging. It is an undeniable fact that the best way to learn a language is through immersion and having the language integrated into the school culture.  All classroom teaching does adopt a bilingual approach so students leave the school with a command of both Swedish and English.

Students’ learning capacity, at an early age, is sometimes underestimated. When students really want to learn, have educators to guide, and parents to support them, the results are forthcoming. We know through experience that a calm, safe and stimulating learning environment is necessary for students to achieve results.

We often see, after the first term, that students have made tremendous progress. Suddenly students understand “everything” and homework becomes so much easier.

Yes, our school is open to everyone. We do expect our prospective parents to let us know if their child has required special assistance previously or needs help in any way. Concerns regarding learning abilities/ disabilities, health, or nutrition should be brought to our immediate attention. School relevant information is a prerequisite to mutual understanding and academic success. 

Students have weekly homework in the three core subjects, Swedish, English and Mathematics. In other subjects, there may be homework.

The school has an active PTA, Parents and Teachers Association. The principal or assistant principal regularly attends PTA meetings to ensure transparency at all levels.

Our Open Door Policy for parents leads to mutual understanding and encourages parents to come to school and see how we work. We urge you to let us know in advance that you are coming so that we are sure you receive a visitor’s pass and that you are able to benefit the most from your visit.