
In August 2024, IES Krokslätt is moving into an entirely new school building in the new city district Södra Änggården, in what is today referred to as Högsbo, Gothenburg. The school will change name from IES Krokslätt to IES Södra Änggården and start receiving students in grades F-7.

Visit IES Södra Änggården


Before starting at IES

What you might like to know before starting at one of our schools

There are no fees to attend IES schools. Our schools are funded in the same way as those run by the municipality, through the Swedish tax system and the school voucher (skolpeng).
Children who have been offered a place in the starting year are invited to a workshop day - this enables them to try learning with IES for a few hours, and helps our teachers know what level your child is starting from, and how we can best help them. Teachers may set some assignments following the workshop day, which will help your child get up to speed before the start of school.
Visiting our school is a wonderful way to see how we teach students and the sort of atmosphere that our schools offer. If you would like to visit a school please get in touch with them to see if you can arrange an appropriate time.
As part of our main intake process we hold a workshop day, which can give a taste of what it is like to study with IES. These days and open houses are the best way to try out our schools and decide if they are right for you. To avoid disruption to our students, we do not offer potential students the chance to join a school on a trial basis.

We welcome and encourage visitors. We recommend that you ask us at least 24 hours in advance. All visitors must report to the main office, sign the visitor register and obtain a visitor’s pass, which must be displayed all the time. 

If you have not asked for permission in advance, we cannot guarantee that you can visit the school. We have to know who is in the school and for what reason. If friends are allowed to come and go as they please, and many external students come at the same time because they don’t have anything else to do that day, then teaching is disrupted and we are unable to keep our students safe.

Please make sure that visitors meet the following requirements: (local variations may occur, check with your school’s office) 

Visitors and students alike are expected to follow the rules of the school 

Visitors to a class must be of the same age, unless their presence is for academic or research purposes. 

The school must have received at least 24 hours advance notice. 

Some visits may require the approval of the principal. It is therefore important to let us know in advance. 

We do not accept visitors from other schools simply because their present school is not in session that day. Visits, from students outside of our own, should be because the student is considering our school as a school of choice for the near future.

We prefer that you attend our Open House evenings and Introductory Days first. Prospective students and their parents are invited and most welcome to these events.

Due to our extensive waiting lists, for some of our schools the list extends to over 1000 students, we find it difficult to provide the same kind of service to everyone. 

We ask for your patience and understanding if we are unable to accommodate your request.

The Education Act does not provide for people to spend time trying different types of school. IES also does not believe that just trying out a new school is a good idea. When a decision is made, with it comes the perseverance and motivation to make it work. Experience tells us that all students are able to succeed in our schools and that the desire to do just that is often the most significant factor.

We provide initial information about our school and our expectations, at information meetings and on the Introductory Day. The Introductory Day ensures that students have a chance to participate in lessons, meet with teachers and administrators and see how we work. Positive feedback is continuous. All our efforts are geared to help students and parents make a conscious choice.

Just “testing” the concept of our school means uncertainty regarding learning, making friends and becoming involved. Ultimately, selecting a school is a matter of choice and exercising that choice is a right and a responsibility. Parents and students have the option, at any given time, to move to another school.