
In August 2024, IES Krokslätt is moving into an entirely new school building in the new city district Södra Änggården, in what is today referred to as Högsbo, Gothenburg. The school will change name from IES Krokslätt to IES Södra Änggården and start receiving students in grades F-7.

Visit IES Södra Änggården


Fritids & Junior Club

We offer Junior Club (fritids) for all our students in grades 3-6 at both the start and end of the school day.

Opening times: 7:15-17:30

Contact details: Ms Malin Glader, JC Manager, 0736619881,

How to register for a place: fill out a form or contact Ms Glader

Our fritids is a bilingual, pedagogical centre which works closely with all of the other departments at the school. 

Fritids is a safe and fun place for our students to spend time before and/or after school. Staff arrange activities and field trips and students can play, enjoy games, and have plenty of opportunities to make new friends in other classes as well as year levels.  The programme is fun, stimulating and created to encourage and promote children’s curiosity and willingness to learn.



Food and activities

We serve breakfast every day at JC at 7:30; we also provide an afternoon snack at 15:00 for students attending JC after school.

Students at junior club also have the opportunity to choose a club that offers them in-depth learning about things they are interested in; as well as the opportunity to do their homework and, in doing so, receive help and support from staff.