
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 31 March 2022

Students visit the Riksdag

For part of the SO course Year 9 students visit the Swedish Parliament


This week the Year 9 IESK students visited the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen) to give them an insight into the Swedish Government system.

The trip is part of the samhällskunskap unit on democracy in Sweden, and helps give our students a deeper understanding of how important national decisions are made.

The students got a tour of both buildings and had the chance to watch part of a session in progress.

Yehya in 9D said: "It was a useful experience because we had a chance to see how all the decisions are made. When we were in the Chamber (kammaren) it was interesting because there was a discussion about free schools and our school is a free school."

"Samälle is a broad subject but it gets tied together with all the decisions which are made by the state and the Rikstag is where this happens," he said.