
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 24 November 2022

"The teachers saw how much I loved football"

We spoke with former IES student Jardell Kanga about football and his best memories from his school days at IES Kista.


Jardell Kanga finished ninth grade at IES Kista in 2021. Today he is 16 years old and lives in Germany. His passion for football has led him all the way to the highest German league, which is probably not a surprise to his former teachers.

What have you been doing since you finished elementary school at IES Kista?
"After elementary school, I fully invested in football. Today I play football professionally in the highest German league with Bayer Leverkusen."

Looking back, what do you value most from your time at IES?
"Everyday life at school, both the fun and boring or even the hard days. I smile when I think about my memories with old teachers and classmates."

What is your best memory from IES?
"I had great teachers who always supported me. They knew I loved football and that it’s what I do best. I am still in touch with them and will always be grateful for everything they did for me - I will never forget them."

Do you have any dreams for the future?
"In the future, I want to continue playing football."