
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 08 June 2022

Photo competition Life in a Big City

Winners of the whole school photo competition


Julia Gojtowska 6A - winner in year 6

Students were asked to take a photograph which captures the theme ‘Life in a big city - Livet i en storstad’.  The rules were that the photograph had to be taken by the student and that the photo could not be a selfie. 

Winners and Runners up were:

Year 4 Winner: Sule Köyluoglu 4A, Runner Up: Julia Monteiro Barbosa Oliveira 4D

Year 5 Winner: Dania Talha 5C Runner Up: Jawad Amad 5C

Year 6 Winner: Julia Gojtowska 6A Runner Up: Theo Carlsson 6C

Year 7 Winner: Kerem Tayfun 7A Runner Up: Asba Zahid 7B

Year 8 Winner: Rishi Suresh 8C Runner Up: Marylou Lusamba Kongolo 8E

Year 9 Winner: Azka Humair 9B Runner Up: Ibrahim Hassan 9B