
Internationella Engelska Skolan Kista is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 14 March 2023

Meet our principal, Mr Smederöd

IES Kista has a new principal. He took the helm in January and his name is Jörgen Smederöd. Before he came to IES, he was the principal at Fjällenskolan in Järfälla, prior to that he worked as principal in Sundbyberg for many years. Mr Smederöd currently lives in Spånga and has three daughters ages 11, 14 and 19. We have had the opportunity to ask him some questions, hear his vision for IES Kista and get to know him a little bit better.


What will you focus on in your role as principal at IES Kista?
"Together with the leadership team, I will focus on the quality of a number of our processes to ensure ongoing improvement in regard to the students’ learning and well-being. It’s my strongest belief that all of us who are working here, together with the students and their families, can continue developing IES Kista into a very successful school."

What is the best thing about your job?
"To be able to make a difference by providing a good education for children. In my opinion, education is supported by two legs of the national curriculum, chapter 1 and 2. The first being the knowledge of various subjects. The second leg is education related to social skills and communication – the soft values. I think both parts are equally important, and both must be taught in school. Not just talked about, but actually taught."

What do you think IES Kista is really good at?
"I think we’re good at seeing, listening and interacting with the children. It is important that we work with the whole child and that they feel valued. This is the starting point of building  good relationships, which must be initiated by adults."

What was your favorite subject in school?
"My favorite subject in school was geography. I guess that’s why I later became a geography teacher."

Where did you grow up?
"I grew up on a farm with my family in Uddevalla on the west coast north of Gothenburg. We had a lot of animals like cows, horses, sheep and chickens. I don’t have any pets right now but I like cats!"

Which one is your favorite song right now?
"I don’t listen to music that much right now, I am more inclined to listen to podcasts. I like historical pods but also sports and news."

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
"I have a house and garden so that takes some time. I play football and am also chairman in that football club. And I love to hang out with my three daughters!"