
Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 16 September 2023

Statement about the article in NWT 14-09-2023

In connection with yesterday's article in Nya Wermlands Tidning, Internationella Engelska Skolan would like to clarify the following:

Everything referred to in the article has been included in the external investigation, which also included interviews and a review of school documentation and actions. All information in the document mentioned in the article has been followed up. Hence, our assessment of the actions and crisis management by the leadership team in Karlstad and of the circumstances surrounding the person now in custody remains. IES has full confidence in the staff and school leadership, who continue to navigate the school through this difficult time.

Due to the reporting, we also want to clarify that the relationship between the principal and assistant principal was known to Huvudman. This was also included in the external investigation and has no connection to the crime or how that has been handled. The reorganisation that took place, where the assistant principal got another line manager, was planned from before and was done because of the personal relationship.

The media reporting has consequences. Over 180 articles have been written since mid-April. We have 700 students and 80 employees who go to school and work every day. Some of the students are victims of a crime. There are also former students who are victims of a crime. Together with their families, they want to be able to choose how to process their trauma. Many express that they are trying to move on, and the media coverage affects their ability to do so.

The reporting also has consequences for our employees, not least the school leadership. They are experiencing threats and vandalism. Rumours, personal attacks and outright slander are spread in the newspaper comment sections and in social media, with accusations of having protected a pedophile. This is unacceptable and all crimes are reported to the police.

We want to encourage everyone to act respectfully and with consideration for their fellow human beings.