
Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 17 May 2023

Information from Internationella Engelska Skolan

Huvudmannen Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) has decided to initiate an investigation with independent external expertise in light of the current events at IES Karlstad. The investigation will review the school's actions - going back in time, any new information that may be reported now, and how the school has handled the ongoing crisis.

An investigation is of the utmost importance in order to restore trust in Karlstad. If mistakes have been made, actions will be taken. If the correct measures were taken, that must also come to light.

The work to support students, parents and school staff, which has been going on since Friday, May 12, has continued today, Wednesday. The school has had qualified, experienced, additional staff on site throughout the week, in the form of counsellors and special crisis support staff, as well as extensive support from head office. Age-appropriate assemblies have been held for the students. Each class has been given the opportunity to anonymously submit questions and thoughts to the school leadership via the student council. All students who wanted to talk to a qualified adult have been able to do so, individually or together with a guardian. Parents have been received at the school and by phone, to talk with the school management or with crisis experts. Support for students will continue to be available, as long as there is a need. Huvudmannens and the school's assessment is that the crisis support put in place at the school has worked well.