
Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 12 May 2023

Important information from the principal

IES Karlstad are working intensively to support staff, students and their families, as we were informed by the police that a person previously working at the school is suspected of and has confessed to severe child pornography offence.

There is no place at IES for people who do not follow the law. As soon as we were contacted by the police in this matter, IES took steps to separate the person from his post and started planning to be able to support worried students and families, also bringing in extra support from huvudman and subject matter experts.

We are shocked and appalled. We understand that as staff we must work hard to try to ensure that the actions of one person do not erase the work that has been done over so many years in creating a trusting and caring environment where students feel safe, and we are aware that this might take time. We are very grateful for the work of the police and the dialogue with Brottsofferjouren. 

Brian Tucek, Principal