
Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Welcome to IES Karlstad

We create high aspirations for future generations. We encourage you to look around our website to get a clear picture of how we work.





We are truly creating an international school atmosphere at Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad, where academic excellence is at the top of our educational agenda. Our school ethos and school rules are tools to create a high-quality and safe learning environment, where the English language is a pedagogical tool which we utilise on a daily basis. It is not only the language which influences the environment, but also the social codes and manners which are emphasized on how students and staff shall professionally interact with each other.

Read more about our school

Important dates

17 - 25 Apr 2025

Easter Break 2025

1 - 2 May 2025

1 of May + Friday Holiday

29 - 30 May 2025

29 and 30 of May - Holiday

6 Jun 2025

Sweden National Day

11 Jun 2025

End of Spring Term - Graduation Day
Key Dates

Karin Sjöbom

Acting Principal


Welcome from the principal

I'm delighted that you have chosen to find out more about Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad. We hope that you will look around our website and get a clear impression that we focus on a quality education in a safe and bilingual environment.

Principal's Welcome


"I believe that it is important for children to have a solid knowledge of English in order to prepare them for future studies. I also find that it is good for everyone to have structure and a clear cut set of rules to abide to. Internationella Engelska Skolan provides both of these things."

Erik, parent

"The school premises are great and the teachers and staff are really nice. I like the fact the school has a broad mix of students, everyone has a different background."

Olivia, ninth grade student

"Tack 'mentor'! Jag är så glad över det du skriver. Men mest tacksam är jag över att 'vårt barn' är så glad och nöjd. Vi har haft ett par jobbiga år på gamla skolan. Det är så kul att se och uppleva vilket fantastisk jobb ni gör på IES, där ni skapar en fantastisk skola och framför allt nöjda barn. Well done!"

Regarding regular monthly contacts home.

"The whole of IES Karlstad has helped me incredibly much getting ambitious and focused in my studies, while giving me so many fun and great moments there. I doubt I would have come this far in my studies without IES, so I am really proud of being an IES alumnus and also really happy that so many other students after me have got the opportunity to study there."

Former student

"“My child was bullied at the former school which made them become very introverted. My child started eating less and had no energy when they got home and barely spoke to us. After just six days at IES she comes home excited, my child is bragging about how much they have eaten because the food is so nice and finally being respected by peers. As a school you have made this change in just six days. You guys should be really proud. The only negative thing with the school is that my kids are already speaking much better English than I do”."


"“Tack finaste skolan för allt ni gör och har gjort för mitt barn. Jag känner mig så glad och lycklig över att mitt barn börjat på engelska skolan. Mitt barn kommer hem glad från skolan och pratar om sin klass som hen älskar. ”Alla är så snälla och tar hand om mig. De lärare jag har träffat är så snälla mamma. Jag är så glad att jag har börjat här. Det här kommer att bli så bra för mig” "




Find the answer to your question

Apply in just three steps:

  1. Click Join the Queue.
  2. Choose the school you want to apply for (Every school has its own queue. You can place your child in the queue from 1 February the year after they were born).
  3. Fill in the form including your details and those of your child so that we can stay in touch and let you know if a place becomes available.
Most of our schools begin their intake for the following academic year in the autumn term. The length of the process depends on how quickly we hear back from families who are offered places.
Write to the school in question and let them know your queue ID number or personnummer and the information that you would like to change. You can find contact details for our schools here.
There are no fees to attend IES schools. Our schools are funded in the same way as those run by the municipality, through the Swedish tax system and the school voucher (skolpeng).

Contact information

Please let us know if you have any questions

If you would like more information about us than found on this website, please e-mail or give us a call.

Internationella Engelska Skolan Karlstad

Gruvgången 4

653 43 Karlstad

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