Picture Credit: Henrik Trygg / imagebank.sweden.se
Picture Credit: Henrik Trygg / imagebank.sweden.se
Sweden is a beautiful country located in northern Europe with a population of approximately 10 million. It is a dynamic region where it is just as easy to enjoy the city life when it comes to restaurants, entertainment, museums and sport-events as it is to enjoy outdoor activities. Sweden ranks consistently high in the OECD Better Life Index.
53 per cent of Sweden is covered by forests and mountains, and there are more than 80,000 rivers and lakes which offer fantastic opportunities for those interested in skiing, canoeing, camping, hiking, rock-climbing or cycling.
The Swedish population is well-educated and Sweden has been the starting point for many inventions and international companies like Volvo, Spotify, and IKEA, as well as artists such as ABBA, Robyn and Max Martin.
The social welfare system provides excellent dental and health care, pension rights and family services. When it comes to gender equality, Sweden is one of the most equal countries in the world.