
Internationella Engelska Skolan Växjö is a bilingual school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 16 August 2022

Welcome from the principal

Dear Visitor,
On behalf of the staff at Internationella Engelska Skolan, I am delighted to welcome you to one of the newest schools in the IES family; IES Växjö.


Our school officially opened in August 2022 serving the community and families of Växjö and the wider area. We are a brand new, purpose-built school that can accommodate 600 students, ranging from F to Y7 in 2022 - 2023, growing to F to Y9 by 2024 - 2025.  

We are extremely excited about developing a forward looking and productive partnership with all parents and stakeholders to ensure our children can achieve their highest academic expectations and aspirations, in an environment founded on safety and calm with a commitment to bilingualism and a command of the English language.

We recognise that to be successful in school, our children need cooperative support from both home and school. We know that a strong partnership with you will make a significant difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.

We strive every day to be:
● Punctual
● Prepared
● Positive
● Active
● Cooperative

At our school we have a commitment to making sure that all children have their successes celebrated and are taught to feel proud of who they are and their achievements, and to always dream big.

As a hub of the community, all are welcome at our school and we aim to provide an environment where children learn to be tolerant, respectful global citizens that have a passion for lifelong learning and adventure. 

Even though we are a brand new school, our commitment and dedication to providing a quality first education is paramount and steeped the well established ethos of all IES schools. We want children to not only be recipients of a sound and well planned education but also to help us shape it so that we can cater for all of their academic and pastoral needs. 

Over the course of this first year, there will be many new strategies and initiatives developing in our school so that very soon, it has a unique identity with which all can feel a connection. Therefore we welcome open and cooperative dialogue with all parents to help inform the future direction of our school so that we may best serve the needs of our children. 

As time progresses, I hope to be able to welcome you all in person and assure you that I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and contributions.


B.E. Owens