
Internationella Engelska Skolan Växjö is a bilingual school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 17 February 2023

Valentine's Day delivery in Växjö

Residents at a retirement home were delighted when children delivered 100 hand-made Valentine's cards. Fourth grade IES Växjö student Maria Kokic came up with the thoughtful idea, and fellow students at the school joined in by making cards.
“What if they are sad and alone on Valentine's day, then they will be happy to receive our Valentine's cards!” said Bella, a first grade student.


Bella giving out cards.

On Valentine's day, Bella (Y1), Erik (Y4) and Emil (Y7) went to the senior home to give out the cards.

“How much do you want for the card?” one of the seniors asked.
“Nothing! It's Valentine's day today and you get it for free”, said Bella and handed over the card.

Leandra Blixt, a teacher at IES Växjö, explained that the seniors were very happy to receive the cards and really appreciated the nice gesture.