
Internationella Engelska Skolan Uppsala is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Our school library

Our library is a welcoming and quiet space where students can come to read, study, or do their homework


Location: Middle School Entrance 

Opening Times:

Monday: 8:45 - 16:15
Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 8:00 - 14:30
Thursday: 8:35 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 15:30

Annie Provencher

Our library is set up according to the Dewey Decimal International library classification. We have five different sections of books in the library : Teacher’s reference (Can only be borrowed by staff members). Reference (Can’t be borrowed at all, only used in the library). Non Fiction books (English mixed with Swedish). Swedish fiction and English fiction.  Students/Staff do not need library cards.

All teachers and students have their own ID number in the computer. All you need to do is tell your name and your class and the library staff will be able to lend you books.                  

We have two student computers in the library. These are used for reference work only.

The library has a large room with a space for 32 students to do their homework. Therefore, it is possible to book the library on schoolsoft and bring your class for the lesson.

How the Library is used:

Junior School students, Y4&5 have 30 minutes weekly reserved at the library on their schedule during Swedish Lesson. This is the only time they are allowed to come to the library. They can not come to the Library or even to the Middle school side during their breaks.

Middle School students, Y6-9  are welcomed during the library’s opening hours Mondays-Fridays with a library pass. Each teacher from Middle School is provided with 4 library passes. Why a library Pass? So that we know if students have their teacher’s permission to be at the library during a lesson. Please make sure to collect them after students return to class. Teachers can also reserve the library on school soft to come with their whole class during a lesson. During breaks they  need to follow a schedule according to their break time at the student lounge. They will have a choice to go either to the Student lounge or at the library. MS are welcome to come study after school until 16.00.