
Internationella Engelska Skolan Trelleborg is a bilingual school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 11 November 2022

Who is Natali Cinc?

It's time to get to know our teachers a little better, so we have asked them a few questions. First up is F-class teacher Natali Cinc!


1. What did you do before you started at IES?
I have worked as a preschool teacher and after-school educator (fritidspedagog) since 2010.

2. What’s the best thing about your job?
The teaching profession is fantastic in many ways and gives me the opportunity to make a difference. It is a versatile job and no two days are the same. It’s exciting to be involved in influencing the future, challenging students, igniting curiosity and desire for learning and exploring together. It’s a great feeling when a student cracks the code. It's rewarding to meet people with different backgrounds on a daily basis, and I always learn something new.

3. What do you think IES Trelleborg is good at?
The staff is flexible and good at finding ways that suit the individual child and the group.

4. Which one is your favourite song right now?
“Inte stor nog” by Timbuktu is my and my daughter’s favourite when we are in the car.

5. Do you have any pets?
I don't have any pets at the moment but am planning to get a mini french bulldog.

6. Tell us something about yourself that not many people know about?
I cry every time I see the movie “The Notebook”.

7. What was your favourite subject in school?

8. Do you have any dreams for the future?
To continue discovering the world and try exciting dishes together with my family. Learn new things in life and follow the evolvement.

9. What do you do to peak the children's interest and desire to learn new things?
I try to always be a committed and responsive educator who captures the students' interest and needs. It is important to find out what pre-understanding the students have and to have varied teaching with rituals and structure. I think about what the educational environment looks like and change it continuously. Furthermore, I try to let all students speak and I encourage and challenge them, both individually and in groups. By making the students feel that I care about them, it leads to them daring to open up and for us to learn together.

10. What is your best memory with your F-class?
A fun memory was when we did the volcano experiment with Mentos and Coca-Cola. We all expectantly waited for the eruption, but the lava flowed out in slow motion. Everyone was disappointed and then I said, "let's go to the grocery store and buy ice cream instead". It all ended with a good laugh where we concluded that we should have used Cola Light instead of Zero.