
Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundbyberg is a 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students can learn.

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News | 15 December 2023

Intake Process 2024


Internationella Engelska Skolan Sundbyberg opened up on the 22nd of August 2018 with grades 4 and 5. We currently have students from grade 4 to 9.

The intake process for the fall term 2024 started in December 2023. We accept students strictly according to queue order. We encourage guardians to keep their contact information up to date in the application in order for us to be able to reach you.
The official Letter of Acceptance will be sent out by email.
Our offer is only valid during the time period that is stated on the document. If we do not hear back from you in time, we will offer the place to the next student in our queue.


Grade 4 - 4 new classes, 128 students
Grade 5 - filling intake
Grade 6 - filling intake
Grade 7 - filling intake
Grade 8 - filling intake
Grade 9 - filling intake

At IES Sundbyberg we have 32 students per class. Our Introduction Day will be held in May and it is by invitation only. During this day we give new students the opportunity to meet teachers and other members of our staff. We will also have some activities for the students so that they can see how we do things at IES Sundbyberg.

In January we will start the recruitment process of new teachers and staff and all available positions will be posted on IES Careers. If you are interested in working in our school please send an application to:

We look forward to the next school year and if you have any questions you are welcome to get back to us.