
Internationella Engelska Skolan Staffanstorp is a Swedish school with an international profile, following the Swedish curriculum. The school is a bilingual F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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News | 09 December 2021

An experienced school leader chosen as principal of IES Staffanstorp

The principal for Internationella Engelska Skolan in Staffanstorp has been announced and is looking forward to welcoming students from the autumn term of 2022.


Truls Katzler, who comes from a role as principal of IES Hässleholm, is already a well-known school leader to many. He has been a school leader since 2003 and worked in a number of municipal schools and independent schools in different municipalities of Skåne.

He said: "Staffanstorp is an expansive and forward-thinking municipality and it will be enjoyable to work in collaboration with them."

As principal of Ölyckeskolan in Eslöv, Truls Katzler was noted for having increased students' eligibility for upper secondary school (gymnasiet) by 20 percent in three years, something that attracted attention outside the country's borders. When he took over Internationella Engelska Skolan in Hässleholm three years ago, 84.4 per cent of students reached upper secondary school. This spring, 98.5 per cent of his year nines graduated with the grades they needed for upper secondary school.

The importance of clear leadership but also care for the people you work with and are responsible for is something he has taken with him from his background as a military man.

He said: "I have a strong belief that you lead best through example and a clear set of requirements combined with a big heart. What IES founder Barbara Bergström would call 'Tough Love' or I would say 'We have expectations because we care'.

"Every morning I stand outside school and welcome the students to a new school day. I also spend a lot of time in corridors and on spontaneous lesson visits. The students should know who I am and that my door is always open to them, my students are my students regardless of whether they go to my school right now or if they completed grade nine a decade ago, if you were my student once then you always will be and my door is always open.

On February 1, Mr Katzler will start as principal of IES Staffanstorp:

He said: "What I look forward to most with IES Staffanstorp is to be able to build a school from the ground up and the benefit of being able to completely focus on the planning and start-up of a new school for seven months.

Born and raised in Lund, Truls Katzler returns to his home area with the assignment in Staffanstorp.

He added: "A funny curiosity is that one of my ancestors Sven Jönsson Katzler, was a schoolmaster in the early 19th century in what is now Staffanstorp municipality, so you can say that the circle is now closed."