
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Teaching and learning

Frequently asked questions about teaching and learning at IES

Our schools tend to have a similar demographic as the municipalities around them. At IES Östersund we have students who come from all around the Jämtland area and both staff and students bring great diversity to our school. 

You can start at IES Östersund with any level of English. Up to half of the education is conducted in English, and teachers have a great deal of experience in helping students learn to command the English language, using language immersion.

Our students learn to command the English language quickly. In years F-3 we introduce English gradually, giving students the tools to succeed in their lessons through the English language.

Families choose to attend Internationella Engelska Skolan knowing that some subjects will be taught in English, and it is something which has attracted them.  


Students in our schools really enjoy speaking English, and learning from teachers from a range of English-speaking countries. Of course, learning a new language is often tough and takes time and patience but in this environment it is easier to succeed. The process of learning the English language should be seen as a useful tool, rather than an obstacle.


Young children have an amazing capacity for language learning. With guidance from outstanding educators, and parental support, we have found great success in helping students become bilingual since we first started teaching in English in 1993.

At IES Östersund from Y6 - 9 our students have the opportunity to learn Spanish, French or German. Modern languages are part of the normal schedule at Swedish schools and as such all children are expected to study a third language.  Students are guided in their decision making during the Spring Term of Year 5.

Our schools are bilingual and we believe in students learning to command both languages, and so, on average, half of the lessons are taught in Swedish. While English is the key to the world, it is important that students also master the Swedish language, which is an important tool for anyone who wants to live, work and integrate into Swedish society.

National test results in Swedish for IES students are also above the national average, as they are in the other core subjects, showing that our students are able to command both languages.

We celebrate Swedish culture as well as  adopting some traditions of English-speaking countries - such as the house system within our school community and the students wearing gowns and caps when they graduate in Year 9.

Teachers who move to Sweden to teach with us often arrive with little or no knowledge of the Swedish language. However, it does not take them long to begin to learn a basic understanding of the language. It is common for students at our school to help the English speaking teachers with their Swedish language knowledge. 

Parents should let us know if they require us to only speak Swedish during their STP meetings. If you speak a different language at home and require a translator during the STP meetings then it is important to let us know in advance to make this possible. 

The maximum number of students in a class varies depending on the age of the student. 

At IES Östersund our class sizes are: 

Förskoleklass -Year 3: Maximum of 28 students per class

Year 4 - Year 8: Maximum of 32 students per class

All of our teaching staff follow the guidelines and advice provided by Skolverket (national teaching and education agency) so that every child from Year 4-9 receives fair and accurate end of term grades.  We use SchoolSoft as our main communication method. On that digital platform students and their caregivers can see which subject knowledge requirements students have been able to demonstrate evidence of and also read advice about what steps need to be taken to make progress.  Our teachers are trained to use evidence provided by students over the school year through a variety of different methods of assessment.  Our Heads of Department lead their teachers in collaborative discussions so that grades can be awarded based on all available evidence.   

Students are expected to be dressed appropriately for their Physical Education lessons. This means clothes that are comfortable and athletic and appropriate.  PE teachers provide advance notice if activities are to be inside or outside. Supportive and closed toe shoes are required (ideally trainers / sneakers). Students are expected to shower after physical activities and so students should also bring a towel and toiletries with them.  It is very helpful if all items are named so that if they are left behind they can be returned to their owner!

Students will receive their schedules on their first day of school when they meet with their mentor groups. The class schedules are also available on SchoolSoft for students and parents to view.