
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Before starting at IES

What you may wonder before starting at IES Östersund

No, there are no fees to attend IES schools.  Our schools are funded in the same way as those run by the municipality - through the Swedish tax system and the school voucher (skolpeng).

Sadly, our school is not an open space and we do not allow people to look around the school without contacting a member of staff first and having their approval.  It is crucial that we know exactly who is in the school building and for what reason due to safeguarding. If people turn up to the school as they please, then teaching can be disrupted and we are unable to keep our students safe. We suggest that you attend our Open House evenings and parent meetings to have the opportunity to look around the school.

Although, we do have a digital tour of the school that you can watch to become familiar with the school site and school life. You can click here to watch the Digital Tour via our website or click here to watch the video on YouTube. You should also follow our social media channels to keep up to date with what is going on at the school.