
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Questions about how to apply to our school, the next steps after applying and how we conduct our intake.

Queue Administrator

Who to contact? - IES Östersund Queue Administrator


Ms Hanna Falkelind

School Administrator


Phone Number: 070-089-96-03

Apply to IES Östersund in just a few simple steps:

  • First click the  ‘Join the Queue’ link on our page.
  • Next select the school that you would like to apply for- (Every school has its own unique queue. You can place your child in the queue from 1st February the year after they have turned one years old).
  • Finally fill in the application form, including your details as guardians and those of your child. This means that we are able to stay in touch with you and let you know when a place becomes available.
  • It is important to note that if you have a child who is already attending our school, please make sure to enter the sibling’s Swedish social security number. This will then give your child priority in the queue, if there is space available in the school.
  • If you have single custody over your child, it is good to prepare evidence/ a certificate from Skatteverket.

Yes you can. But, if you do not yet have a Swedish national identity number, but are moving to Sweden soon and would still like to apply, please contact us directly via email .

We understand that you would like to know as early as possible whether your child has a place. Unfortunately, we are unable to share the queue number with students or parents as it is difficult to give a precise answer before the school completes its intake process.  We offer places based on the date on which students joined the queue, but also consider whether they will have a sibling in the school at the same time (syskonförtur). If a spot does open up and you are next in line, we will contact you as soon as possible to offer you a place.

Our queue runs on a first-come, first-served basis, in the interests of fairness for all. However, if your child has a sibling who currently attends the school, and if both of your children will be students at the school at the same time, then they may be entitled to advanced placement in the queue (syskonförtur). In this case please write the sibling’s Swedish ID number in the appropriate box when applying for any other children.

A number of IES schools are registered at Skolinspektionen for a possibility to dedicate a limited number of places in the queue for students who have been resident in the country for less than two years, in Swedish called "särskild kvot" which is regulated in förordning (2022:222) om särskild kvot i fristående skolor. These schools have the possibility to prioritize newly arrived students in the queue. Enrolling in the school depends on the available free spots in each year group. Please contact the school you are applying to for more information and to ask if they are registered for this possibility.

If you notice that there is a mistake in your application or you would like to update some information, you should email us directly ( ) with your queue ID number or person number and include the information that you would like to change.

If you are offered a place at the school and decide to decline it, then you will lose your queue position and the spot will be offered to the next student in the queue. If you then decide that you would now like the spot then you will have to contact us at .

There is no exam or test for your child to pass if they would like to be educated at an IES school. The class spots are allocated on a first come, first served process.

On the IES central website you will be able to find a list of all the IES schools that are currently up and running or those that are due to open soon. If you are interested in an IES school that we are yet to open, please email to ask to be included on the list of people who would like to be kept informed if we announce a new school opening in that location in the future. 

Each school has its own unique queue system. It is therefore not possible to move from one queue to another. However, it is possible to be in multiple queue systems at the same time.