Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.
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IES Östersund is full of enthusiastic readers and there is a book for everyone to enjoy at our fantastic library. The library is open everyday to both staff and students, including break and lunchtimes for Y6-9 students.
The room is used on a regular basis by the Swedish Department for Library lessons. The library has an excellent collection of both fiction and non-fiction books, graphic novels and magazines available for the students to borrow. The school library also has an incredible selection of fiction and non-fiction books in English for those students that want to practise their command of English. The books can be borrowed by students for a two week period, but can then be renewed twice. Our librarian orders books throughout the year to keep the collection up to date and always appreciates new book suggestions from both students and staff.
Each week our F-5 classes come to visit the library for a 30 - 40 minute session where they are able to borrow new books, have guided reading sessions and quietly read with their class. Students in Y6-9 have the opportunity to visit the library during their break and lunch times each day.