
Internationella Engelska Skolan Östersund is an F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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We offer fritids for all students in Years F-6 at both the start and end of the school day.

Opening times: 06:30 - 17:30

Contact details: 063778072

To register for a spot at fritids contact our Head of Fritids ( You will then be asked to fill in our income form which then determines your fritids fee. For questions regarding the fritids fee please refer to Östersund’s kommun guidelines here.

Our fritids is a bilingual, pedagogical centre which works closely with all of the departments at the school. 

Fritids is a safe and fun place for our students to spend time before and/or after school. A wide variety of activities are laid out for the students such as treasure hunts, Lego Masters competitions, sporting challenges and lots of arts and crafts. These activities encourage our students to use their imagination, make new friends in other year groups and build on their teamwork skills. During the summer and winter holidays, field trips are arranged for the students to enjoy. The programme is fun, stimulating and created to encourage and promote children’s curiosity and willingness to learn.

On regular school days, breakfast at fritids is served at 7:00 and mellis is served after school depending on the year group’s end time.

To cancel your spot at fritids, please contact our reception ( to obtain a cancellation form. The cancellation notice period is until the last day of the following month. It is important to note that the full fritids fee will still be charged for the last month.

You can also access all forms on SchoolSoft. To find these files please go to the Start page > Files & links > All files & links > Fritids.