
Internationella Engelska Skolan Norrtälje is a bilingual school that gives every student the possibility to meet high academic expectations and aspirations, and to navigate an international environment, whatever their background.

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News | 01 December 2023

Information evening for IES Norrtälje was a success

We would like to thank all the guests who attended our information evening!


Exciting times ahead! We will send out the first admissions on Monday. New offers will be sent out continuously as everyone who receives an offer has 10 days to respond. We will not be able to give you a specific queue number for your child, as the queue will be changing constantly due to the sibling priority. If you are offered a place for one of your children but not the other, we recommend that you accept the place because the other child will then be moved up the queue as we apply sibling priority. Please note that you need to contact us if you want to apply sibling priority since the system does not have information on siblings.

We estimate that the admission will take a few weeks and hope to be done during December or January. Remember to check that the offer has not ended up in the spam folder.

Do you have any questions about the intake or was there something you forgot to ask during our event? Don’t hesitate to send an email to

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our school!