
Internationella Engelska Skolan Nacka is a bilingual 4-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn.

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Life at school

See frequently asked questions about life at our school

You will have regular contact with your child’s mentor, and they can be a useful link between you and other staff at the school. If you need to get in touch with a specific teacher or school management, all contact details are on Schoolsoft. Our e-mails follow the format of 

Our schools are open to everyone. We ask parents to let us know as soon as possible of any special needs or requirements for special assistance so that we can plan effectively and make sure the right resources are in place to help your child succeed.

Dress code is not a term we use within IES. Our school rules are drawn up in accordance with Swedish school law and are updated every year in consultation with the student council. They do not cover students' clothing.

We will monitor your child’s progress continuously and provide written assessments of their progress to you. Grading is mandatory for students in grades 6 to 9, who receive mid-term reports as well as grades at the end of term, in accordance with the law. For parents and students in years 4 to 5, reports are given regularly.

We hold development talks twice a year, during two days at the beginning of term. During these days, the school is closed. Parents are invited to meet with their children's mentors or other teachers they want to talk to. 



Boundaries are also important for children as they grow and develop. By setting clear boundaries and following up on these we can help students to explore their own values, and who they want to develop into, in a structured way.

Part of our promise to families is to provide a safe and calm environment where everyone can focus on teaching and learning. That environment is something that we need all of our students to help nurture, by behaving responsibly and recognising that school is their workplace.  Students have a right to expect that everyone around them will abide by the rules. 

LUNDS are a system of encouraging students to contribute to a calm and focused learning environment.

L stands for Late. If a student comes late to class for any reason they receive an L. If they are late due to causes beyond their control such as traffic, the guardian must report the lateness to reception by phone.

U stands for unprepared. If a student comes to class without the required materials (pencil, paper, subject book, homework), he or she will receive a U.

N stands for Note. A student whose behavior in the hallways disturbs an ongoing class.

D stands for Disturbing class. A student who is disruptive in class will be given a D.

S stands for Star. Stars are given to students who show exceptional thoughtfulness, helpfulness, or even academic diligence.


Our schools follow the same holidays as their home municipality, and this is our aim when setting term dates. Any differences, such as in-service days ("studiedagar"), will be noted in the school calendar at the start of term.

 Students are given homework each week, though the amount of time needed will vary by age, subject and student. Homework is a useful tool to help reinforce the learning which is carried out in the classroom.

We also offer tutorials in every subject, that the students can attend to catch-up on assigments.

We always welcome feedback from our students, whether they are part of the student council or communicate feedback via their mentor or another staff member. Everything we do in our schools is for the benefit of students, and their point of view is important to us.

We have an active student council, the board of which is elected at the start of the new school year. They meet with school management on a regular basis.


Most of our schools have an active Parent / Teacher Association (PTA). These groups form a close working relationship with school management, and are a real boost to any school - bringing families and educators together and contributing greatly to the school’s sense of community. If your school doesn’t have a PTA, and you would like to start one, why not approach your principal and get the ball rolling.

How your child gets to school is up to you. Some students arrive by public transport, some walk or cycle, and some are given a lift. Please note that IES Nacka does not provide bus cards. 

Our goal is to provide the highest quality of education for all our students, and we value your feedback.

Click here to learn about our complaints process and to submit a complaint on the central IES website

Guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s absence every day before the first lesson begins. Absences should be reported  online through the guardian’s Schoolsoft account. If you can't log in to Schoolsoft, please contact the school’s reception (08-562 969 00). Students may not excuse their own absences.

Guardians may apply for a studen'ts leave of absence. This is done through a form downloaded via Schoolsoft and turned in to the student's mentor. Please understand that school is compulsary (skolplikt). You can read more about this at Nacka's website. 

IES Nacka has a strict policy when it comes to approving leave. If your child’s leave is not approved but you decide to take it anyway, the absence will be registered as “holiday” in schoolsoft.

We don't allow unannounced visitors, but you are welcome to make an appointment to see your child's teacher when needed.

IESN does not allow the students to use mobile phones during the school day. If you need to reach your child during the day, contact the reception at 08-562 969 00 and they will forward a message to your child's teacher.

At Internationella Engelska Skolan we see school as a workplace, where we all shall act to create best possible conditions for teaching and learning.

Therefore, we have a code of conduct that all students and parents sign when they begin at IES Nacka. 

It has important rules about how we treat each other and the school with respect and support, and what is appropriate and what isn't.