
Internationella Engelska Skolan Lund is
a 4-9 school with a safe and calm en-
vironment, where teachers can teach
and students learn.
The school is bilingual and situated
in the beautiful Sankt Lars Park.

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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

A busy and active Parent Teacher Association contributes so much to school life

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a community for all parents and school staff of Internationella Engelska Skolan in Lund. The PTA board consists of volunteering parents nominated at the yearly PTA annual general meeting and the PTA class representatives are elected at the parents’ meetings in the beginning of the school year. The PTA class reps represent the guardians/parents at the school. The board and the class reps meet approx. 6 times during the school year. The schedule is published on SchoolSoft. Information regarding meetings as well as meeting protocol are also published on SchoolSoft.

The PTA meeting is a forum for the PTA board, school management, class reps and invited guest speakers to discuss different topics related to the students, school and environment such as what is happening in school and the activities that are on the go. Class representatives also bring up topics that has been collected from parents.

The PTA work towards making the students' time at school a fantastic memory for life, ensure that staff feel respected and appreciated and allow parents the opportunity to support the school's development in many ways.

Visit us on Facebook: PTA IES Lund.

The PTA also has an email address:

The PTA Board for 2023/2024 is: 

Henrik Norinder - Chair person (student in grade 6)

Annika Sällvik - Vice chair person (student in grade 8)

Maria Weineisen - Treasurer (student in grade 9)

Cecilia Noretoft  - Board member (student in grade 6)

Camilla Kampf - Board member (student in grade 7)

Deborah Jakobsson Hastrup - Board member (students in grade 5,7,8)

Kata Sjöstedt - Board member (student in grade 7)

Otto Thott - Board member (students in grade 5 and 8)

Mathias Dümmatzen - Board member (student in grade 9)

Yoshiko Kitagawa Jönsson - Board member (student in year 7)