
Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn. The school is located in central Linköping and the schoolyard is situated within the beautiful, natural surroundings of the 100 year old seminarieträdgården.

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News | 04 May 2023

Principal's Letter May 2023


Principal Letter May 2023             Linköping 20230503

It always feels like that time after Easter moves very quickly, and it's only a few days left of the term and the end of term day is just around the corner. But, a lot of work remains and we will work diligently until the end of term. We will have an all school athletics day the 16th of May, our students in year 9 will go on the traditional Stockholm trip on the 25th of May and we are currently running our basketball tournament for all year groups as well as a lot more going on at school.


I would also like to remind you about our annual survey. Students, staff and guardians are expected to answer. You can find the link for the survey on schoolsoft.

I would like to remind you about the annual PTA meeting on the 11th of May 17:30-19:00. Information about this has been posted and this is a reminder. All guardians of the school are welcome to join the meeting and be an active part of the PTA.


End of term

We will have a summer end of term for our students on the Thursday 15th of June. The times are as follows:

Year 4 - 6 09.15 - 10.00 

Year 7- 8 10.30 - 11.15 

Year 9 14.00 - 15.30 

Families of students in year 9 are invited to the graduation ceremony on our inner courtyard. The ceremony will end with a mingle. Note that the time for y9 above is the time for the ceremony, the school day for the students will have an earlier start time.

What happens now

We are already planning next school year. We will start the new school year with a stable organization with only minor changes in staging. We will receive 90 new year 4 students in the fall and a smaller number of students in the other year groups. The current year 4 students will in year 5 become 3 classes. The current year 6 students will be remixed going into year 7 where we have an influx of new students to the school. In other year groups there might be minor changes.  Any changes will be communicated by the end of this term.


After our students have gone on summer break, we will continue to work a few more days. We will evaluate the school year from the perspective of our different roles at school, subject teams and year teams. From this evaluation we will derive targets and strategies we will work together towards next school year. The targets will be presented to parents during the start of next school year.


Autumn term 23.

We welcome our students, both new and old, back to school Wednesday the 16th of August. Times for the school start will be sent out in the beginning of August as well as published on schoolsoft.


I wish all of you a happy summer!

Mr Henrik Svärd, Rektor Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping