
Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn. The school is located in central Linköping and the schoolyard is situated within the beautiful, natural surroundings of the 100 year old seminarieträdgården.

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News | 17 February 2023

Principal's Letter Febraury 2023

Now we have completed a third of the spring term. An old school tale says that what is not done before Easter will remain undone. We will disprove that. Our students have worked well and it is fun to see how much they learn, no matter their year group. Our students really deserve a break now and I wish all of you a great sports break. When the students return, rested and full of energy, we together with you have to ensure that they continue working well and reach their grade goals at the end of the term.

I would like to mention the earthquake that has been happening in Turkey and Syria. There are many, children and adults, who feel worried about this. We at the school are aware and are here to support if needed. I would also like to thank all of you who came to donate clothes, blankets and shoes to the collection initiated by our mother tongue teachers. All the donations will shortly be transported some areas in need in Syria.

School Survey (Skolenkäten)

We have done the school survey with our students in year 5,8 and all our teachers. An invitation has also been given to you guardians to answer the survey. I would like you to respond to it. Right now we have 200 of 650 respondents. The last day to respond is the 24th of February. The survey is a part of our systematic quality work and a preparation for our own internal IES survey that will go out to all guardians and students later in the spring.

Developmental talks

Shortly you will be invited to participate in a developmental talk with your children and mentor. Make sure to log in to schoolsoft where the invitation and booking tool is found for the times the mentor can offer. Also take the opportunity in schoolsoft to check how your child is doing in each subject and to get an idea of what our students are working with now in the different subjects.



National Tests

This term it is time for the written parts of the national tests for Year 6 and 9 students in Swedish, English, Maths, SO and Science. On our website there is a link to all the dates for the national tests and an information letter to guardians from skolverket. As usual we will not grant leave requests during the national tests for year 6 and 9.

Leave of absence

During the school year a lot of leave requests are handed in. Very often for a full week. I know there are a lot of reasons to take time off during other points in time than the breaks, but I want you as a parent to really consider what is best for your child. If your child is away for a week they will miss a week's worth of school work and potential tests, presentations and other things that cannot be covered later. If you are considering a longer period of leave I want you to contact me.

After School Clubs 

Our clubs are now up and running and our students can partake in many different activities. They take place after normal school hours, either before or after school. Right now we offer Fitness, Chess, Newspaper, GSafe, Basketball, Book, Art, Volleyball Club and more. This is very appreciated by our students

Student Council

We already now, just like last year, have started to work on developing a schedule for next school year 23/24. Other than collecting perspectives and ideas from the staff we will also look at suggestions coming from the student council. This is an important part of the student influence in school. We have a very active student council that comes with good input and suggestions to develop our school. One of the items they have asked for that is turning into reality after sportbreak is that we will open a café for senior school where they can buy a snack. It will be run together with Pia and Carlos who take care of our lunch restaurant. The student council is full of ideas and it is fun to help them realize their goals for the school.

Best wishes!

Henrik Svärd 

Rektor, Internationella Engelska Skolan i Linköping
