
Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping is a F-9 school with a safe and calm environment, where teachers can teach and students learn. The school is located in central Linköping and the schoolyard is situated within the beautiful, natural surroundings of the 100 year old seminarieträdgården.

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Student Health

The student health team works to promote students' learning, development and health as well as to prevent illness.

The team has both a preventative and a responsive role which includes elements of medicine, psychology, psychosocial and special education.

Staff involved attend the school's student health team meetings and collaborate with other school staff as well as with external actors including the “landsting” and social services.




Student health staff work with each other and with other school staff if necessary, and patient confidentiality is observed. Patient confidentiality is regulated by school law (Skollagen) and the Patient Safety Act (Patientsäkerhetslagen).

For more information about the regulations we follow, please see the links below.

Patientsäkerhetslagen (2010:659)
Skollagen (2010:800)




Plan against discrimination and abusive treatment

IES Linköping works according to our "Plan against discrimination and abusive treatment" to proactively prevent offensive/abusive actions at our school and remediate situations when a student is or is suspected of being subjected to abusive treatment.

Proactive work is conducted at individual, group and organisational level. We promote clear expectations and rules to create well-being with the aim that all students feel safe and for adults in the school to react and act against all forms of abusive treatment and discrimination. For further information see document "Plan against discrimination and abusive treatment".

Plan against discrimination and abusive treatment 


Nurses Contact Information

Y4-6 Catherina Smith

013 560 30 85

Y7-9 Marit Bernhardsson

013 560 30 11